Panfu is SOOOO Lame


Yep, You've read it o_e Panfu is SHIT. 

Since my account deleted, I vowed to never go on panfu again, but to see my friends, (SMOSHY, FAAI, etc.) Then, why not? But I went on finding out that they've repeated a quest I have done a year ago.
Since going on panfu, I really annoyed that my account got deleted when I did nothing at all. So I'm going to complete all the quests again, get up to at least level 30+, and xS Then I'll feel better. 

I'm level 11 at the moment xS No where near my goal... But it's an improvement. 

I'm currently doing the quest ''My Son Is A Pirate'' first, and then do the other  ones that takes quite a lot of days to finish and then do the 5 min ones.

Anyway, here's a pic
 Well, bye!